Founded in 1955.
State Bank of India, is the largest public sector bank in India and a Fortune Global 500 company.

SBI- State Bank Of India
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The Dy General Manager
Customer Service Department,
State Bank of India,
State Bank Bhavan, 16th Floor
Madam Cama Road,
Mumbai 400 021,
Fax: 022 22742431
The Chairman
State Bank of India,
State Bank Bhavan,
Madam Cama Road,
Mumbai 400 021
Fax: 022 22742430
Statewise Bank Coordinators & Toll-Free Numbers
Andhra Pradesh | Shri C.DORASWAMY | ANDHRA BANK | 9959888615 | 1800-425-8525 |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Shri VIJUY RONJAN | State Bank of India | 9674710012 | 1800-345-4545 |
Arunachal Pradesh | Shri M.A. SAHU | State Bank of India | 9435706688 | 1800-345-3616 |
Assam | Shri M.A. SAHU | State Bank of India | 9435706688 | 1800 345 3756 |
Bihar | Shri ABHIJIT DUTTA | State Bank of India | 9955991636 | 1800-345-6195 |
Chandigarh | Shri V.P. JAIN | Punjab National Bank | 852797117 | 1800-180-1111 |
Chattisgarh | Shri GAUTAM SEN GUPTA | State Bank of India | 7770956333 | 1800-233-4358 |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli | Shri K.C. CHHIPA | DENA BANK | 9979118149 | 1800-233-1000 |
Daman and Diu | Shri K.C. CHHIPA | DENA BANK | 9979118149 | 1800-233-1000 |
National Capital Territory of Delhi | Shri K.S. SHERGILL | Oriental Bank of Commerce | 8130418866 | 1800-1800-124 |
Gujarat | Shri K.C. CHHIPA | DENA BANK | 9979118149 | 1800-233-1000 |
Haryana | Shri V.P. JAIN | Punjab National Bank | 8527971117 | 1800-180-1111 |
Himachal Pradesh | Shri V.K. SHRIVASTAVA | UCO BANK | 9464660415 | 1800-180-8053 |
Jammu and Kashmir | Progress |
Jharkhand | ALOK P. YADAV | BANK OF INDIA | 9431086222 | 1800-345-6576 |
Karnataka | K. PREETAM LAL | SYNDICATE BANK | 9449860113 | 1800-4259-7777 |
Kerala | K.R. BALACHANDRAN | CANARA BANK | 9895744777 | 1800-425-11222 |
Lakshadweep | K. PREETAM LAL | SYNDICATE BANK | 9449860113 | 1800-4259-7777 |
Madhya Pradesh | UMESH KUMAR SINGH | Central Bank of India | 0755-2674022, 9406900134 | 1800-233-4035 |
Maharashtra | Shri M A Kabra | Bank of Maharashtra | 94234 35772 | 1800-102-2636 |
Manipur | Shri PANNA LAL DAS | State Bank of India | 9771469967 | Progress |
Meghalaya | Shri PANNA LAL DAS | State Bank of India | 8133014444 | Progress |
Mizoram | Shri PANNA LAL DAS | State Bank of India | 8133014444 | Progress |
Nagaland | Shri PANNA LAL DAS | State Bank of India | 8133014444 | 1800 345 3707 |
Odisha(Orissa) | DR. S.K. NANDI | UCO BANK | 9937814609 | 1800-345-6551 |
Puducherry (Pondicherry) | Shri S.PARTHASARATHY | INDIAN BANK | 9488366780 | 1800-4250-0000 |
Punjab | Shri Harpal Singh | Punjab National Bank | 8146649400 | 1800-180-1111 |
Rajasthan | Shri R.K. GUPTA | Bank of Baroda | 9983321135 | 1800-180-6546 |
Sikkim | Shri S B PATWARDHAN | State Bank of India | 8001196668 | 1800-345-3256 |
Tamil Nadu | Shri S.BALACHANDER | INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK | 8939939552 | 1800-425-4415 |
Telangana | Shri AJIT SINGH | State Bank of Hyderabad | 7674088842 | 1800-425-1825 |
Tripura | Shri MANAS DHAR | UNITED BANK OF INDIA | 9831021619 | 1800-345-3343 |
Uttar Pradesh | Shri NIRMESH KUMAR | Bank of Baroda | 0522-6677717 | 1800-223-344 |
Uttarakhand | Shri BISWA KETAN DAS | State Bank of India | 8130259955 | 1800-180-4167 |
West Bengal | Shri MANAS DHAR | UNITED BANK OF INDIA | 9831021619 | 1800-345-3343 |