CTU – Chandigarh Transport Undertaking
Public Transport
Founded in 1966.
Chandigarh Transport Undertaking (CTU) is the public transportation agency responsible for providing bus services in Chandigarh, the capital city of the states of Punjab and Haryana in India.

CTU Customer Care no.
CTU Official Site
CTU Email
Transport Helplines
1. Inquiry No. at ISBT, Sector-17 , Chandigarh (Long route operation) | 0172-2700006 (Enquiry) |
2. Inquiry No. at ISBT, Sector-43, Chandigarh (Long route operation) | 0172-2624403 (Enquiry) |
3. Duty Inspector, Depot No. I (Long route operation) | 0172-2990214 |
4. Duty Inspector, Depot No. II (Local operation) | 0172-2990215 |
5. Duty Inspector, Depot No. III (Long route and sub urban operation) | 0172-2677033,2677066 |
6. Duty Inspector, JnNURM Depot (Local operation) | 0172-2624418 |